How to use Aurasma, the Augmented Reality Platform

How to use Aurasma


This blog is the first in a series that demonstrates how to use Aurasma, the Augmented Reality platform. You will need to follow these instructions if you are also a student in one of my many lectures: most of my course slides will have an Aura associated with it allowing you to listen to the important elements of that part of the lecture. We start by getting you ready and able to use all the slides from Strategic Planet. All you need to do is follow the steps illustrated below.

Step by step guide.

Aurasma App 1. You will find the Aurasma App in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Download this app onto your mobile device then open it.
Aurasma View Finder 2. When you open the app you see an image through the view finder (as if you were about to take a photo). Click on the Aurasma A (looks like a wigwam) at the bottom of the screen.
Aurasma Log In 3. You will now see the control panel. The control Panel has (from left to right):

  • A list of Auras to explore; Featured Auras; Auras you have viewed.
  • There is an option to create an Aura, using the current library.
  • You have the main Aura viewer window.
  • There is a search facility.
  • There is the Account management section (your profile). You can log in or create an account here.

If you have not already done so, create an account.

Aurasma Search Using the search feature look for StrategicPlanet (all one word).
Aurasma search Results Look for StrategicPlanet’s Channel: it should have a number of Aura’s associated with it. Select this channel by clicking on it. You now have to follow this chan (top right corner).
Aurasma Channels You will see all the Auras associated with that channel.
Aurasma Aura You are now ready to use Aurasma. When you click on the view icon in the middle (you need to look for the [ ]) and hover over the target object, the aura will appear, it starts with the purple swirl as shown in the diagram. Why don’t you have ago.

Why don’t you now have a go, use the Aurasma app and hover over the image below and it will come to life with a short explanation about the slide (note, you need to follow the StrategicPlanet’s Channel in Aurasma for this to work).

Aurasma Example

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Dr Alan Shaw is a Senior Lecturer and Marketing consultant focusing on a range of sectors. His main interests are in strategy development, social marketing, digital marketing, advertising, consumer behaviour and marketing application.
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